Interaction's Thrivalism

The Return Journey - Navigating Maternity Leave With Ruth Moody

Interaction Season 5 Episode 6

In this episode, we're in conversation with Ruth Moody. Ruth is an Executive Coach, with a wealth of experience helping both mothers and businesses improve their return-to-work experience.  Check out her website here: Home - Ruth Moody (

It's a conversation that hits close to home for many – the challenges and triumphs of mothers returning to the workforce. We take a deep dive into the dynamics, attitudes, and practical strategies surrounding this pivotal and often fraught life transition, touching on generational attitudes, the impact of technology, and the emotional aspects of returning to work. 

So, whether you're a returning professional, a manager navigating team dynamics, or someone curious about creating more inclusive workplace cultures, this episode is for you (we had a slight issue with the audio quality, but not enough to distract from some great content). 


Thanks for listening! Check out Interaction's website for more workplace culture content and case studies (or just follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter).

Transcript Summary:  Ruth Moody on Returning to Work 



  • Ruth's LinkedIn post about "Jurassic organizations" and ancient attitudes towards mothers returning to work sparked the conversation. 
  • The post highlighted the challenges and attitudes faced by women returning to work after having children. 

The Issue of Attitudes and Perceptions 

  • Ruth shares her motivation behind the post, citing the stories she hears from women facing challenges upon returning to work. 
  • Despite legal improvements, Ruth emphasizes the existence of underlying attitudes, often perceived or real, that impact women returning to work. 
  • Older generations may hold traditional views about commitment and availability, affecting the confidence and perception of returning mothers. 
  • Ruth mentions the challenge of flexible working and how the expectation of constant availability, exacerbated by technology, affects working mothers. 

Generational Differences and Industry Impact 

  • Discussion on how certain industries exhibit more noticeable generational gaps in attitudes. 
  • The expectation of long hours and constant availability affects not only women but also extends to flexible working arrangements. 
  • Toby mentions that working mothers, in his experience, often work out of hours, impacted by technology. 

Impact of Technology and Expectations 

  • Ruth discusses the expectation of being available at all hours due to technology. 
  • Research indicates that women are more likely to put in extra hours, both in terms of work and household tasks. 
  • Technology's benefits and drawbacks, including the challenge of maintaining a work-life balance with the blurred lines between work and home. 

Common Challenges Faced by Returning Women 

  • Universally, returning women often struggle with confidence, doubting their ability after a significant life change. 
  • The challenges of juggling work responsibilities, doubts about part-time working, and fears of being bypassed for decisions. 
  • Emotional challenges: Feeling a need to prove oneself, potential isolation, and concerns about perception. 

The Struggle of Balancing Work and Home Life 

  • Toby shares a quote from a showrunner about the trade-offs between success in work and home life. 
  • Ruth adds that women might feel like they are failing in all areas, even if they are performing reasonably well in each aspect. 

Coaching and Support 

  • Ruth's role as a coach: listening, asking questions, and helping individuals work out what's right for them. 
  • Discussion on the stages of coaching, focusing on non-negotiables, and the importance of protecting time in one's diary. 

Challenges and Advice 

  • The challenges of advocating for oneself, especially in large corporations that may not prioritize individual needs. 
  • Ruth emphasizes the importance of focusing on the first 30 days after returning to work. 
  • Toby asks about mistakes companies make, and Ruth points out the assumption that people will be okay without proper support. 

Best Practices and Individual Goals 

  • The importance of treating returning employees as if they are starting afresh, acknowledging changes during their absence. 
  • The value of capturing and discussing personal and professional goals before maternity leave. 
  • Ruth highlights the need for a gradual, deliberate process and the importance of understanding the emotional experience of returning to work. 

Ruth's Personal Experience 

  • Ruth shares her experience of returning to work after having children while running her own business. 
  • The initial struggle to find her role and confidence despite being the business owner. 
  • Deliberate goal-setting and mentorship during the second maternity leave to ease the transition. 

Trends in Workplace Culture 

  • Discussion on the impact of the pandemic on workplace culture, emphasizing the need for connection and face-to-face interaction. 
  • The challenges for returning women when the workplace is more remote and less face-to-face. 
  • The importance of organizations encouraging face-to-face meetings even in a flexible working environment. 

Advice for Those About to Return to Work 

  • Creating a space to think is crucial, allowing individuals to reflect on what's important to them about work. 
  • The significance of carving out time for self-reflection, identifying concerns, seeking support, and asking important questions. 


  • Toby thanks Ruth for sharing her insights. 
  • Ruth provides information about her coaching services and website: Ruth Moody Coaching

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